Friday, February 3, 2012

Client side of things: Hiring Maha FAQs

Thinking of hiring me? Here are some FAQ's that I commonly get:

How much does a bellydance performance cost?

All prices are listed on my website and are based on location of the event:

Is this your best price?


How long is the show?

The best length of time for a show is 20 mins; however, depending on the event, the show may be lengthened or shortened. Much time beyond 20mins may be over kill and wont be appreciated by your guests. If your event requires a longer performance, please call for a consultation. Adding a second show in the evening is another option to consider if you would like more entertainment.

I'm having a Bachelor party/guys night out, how much will you charge?

Sorry, but neither myself or any dancers I know perform at all male events - ever.

I'm having a bachelorette/bridal shower, what is involved in your show for something like this? How much does it cost?

Some times I do a regular 20-25min show. Commonly for all women events like these I do a brief performance followed by a fun bellydance lesson. In this case, I enter with a dazzling performance to start off, then we do a 30-45min lesson. I can bring some coin hip scarves for your guests to borrow. The whole performance/lesson combo takes about an hour in total.

There are a few things to consider in advance if this is something that you would like to add to your event:
  • Space - you will likely need more than 100 square feet depending how many participants you have

  • Room Temperature - this is an important one! Although the class is not meant to be physically intense and more "fun", dance involves movement and participants will get heated up a bit. If they are all in dressy dresses and heels, this isn't going to be as fun for them if they happen to sweat. If the the room is on the warm side, it could cause some discomfort and it may be better to shorten the lesson.

  • A decent sound system - music should be loud enough to be heard over all the giggling girls and teacher's voice :)

For bridal showers, birthdays, or bachelorettes there is a surprise gift at the end :)

How much does the performance & lesson combination cost?

The same as a 20-25 minute show which is based on the location of your event and are listed here:

Why is it the same price if we only want to you for 15mins or 30mins?

Regardless of how long we perform, the time spent consulting and preparing for the performance is the same. Once we are there - 90% of the work has been done so if we stay a little bit longer it is really about the same effort. I have a longer response to this question if you would like to read it:

Can we see you perform before we hire you?

Sure! There are two ways to do this.

View my performance Videos:

Come watch a show: If you visit the Performance page on my website you will see the restaurants and events that are open to the public to come and watch a show: If you let me know you are coming I can confirm that I will be there and make sure I say hello after I am finished changing after the performance. Because these are mostly in restaurants, it is advisable to make a reservation in advance.

Can you wear that red/blue/purple costume?

Probably :) I rotate my costumes so they get even wear and sometimes they get pulled out of rotation for cleaning and repairs. I also buy and sell them frequently so I may not have the one you see on my website, but I likely have another similar. Music and props used are also deciding factors on which costumes are chosen for that night.

Do you dance with props?

Yes, each of my shows feature a prop - usually two. Entrances are done with a veil and if room permits, Isis wings. I can perform with zills, cane, shamadan, and sword. Too many props in one show can be overkill so I generally keep it to one or two. Shamadan and sword tend to be danced to slower tempos so keep this mind if you are wanting a really upbeat performance.

Do you bring your music?

Yes, music can be brought on cd or iPod. Dancers do not provide stereo equipment. Ideally a good sound system should be in place. Boom boxes are rarely acceptable (and not always friendly with Arabic music). If the volume is too low, it can bring the energy of the show down as people are trying to be really quiet straining to hear the music.

Will it be you that is coming?

Yes! Maha Bellydance is a one person operation. I do work with other dancers if you would like to have more than one performer, but I will always be dancing if you are hiring me. I am not an agency (and don't care to be one!). In a very rare situation, if I was unable to come due to injury or illness, I will recommend a dancer as a replacement and arrange for them to come.

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