Sunday, December 28, 2008

Maha's First Blog

To my family, friends, and students I have decided to start a blog.  Yep blog.

Perhaps it's because I went home for the first Christmas since I moved away from Victoria and realized how much I missed being connected.  Also, through teaching dance to hundreds of students over the years there has been a sincere curiosity into the life of a bellydancer.  I've decided to share the happenings in my life here.  I hope you enjoy them!  

On an aside did you know that the word "meh" is one of the new dictionary words in Collins this year?  Yep right along with "pescatarian" and others in Merriam Webster .  Forgive me while I digress into geekdom but here are a few more new words for you i found here:

Blamestorming - when you're late on a deadline the boss may want to have a blamestorming session.

Swipeout - when the magnetic strip on your card wears out due to use.

Irritainment:  what Brittney Spears is - 'nough said...though for some reason I am uniquely interested. 

Bromance - describes a strong heterosexual relationship between males.

Ginormous - this word I learned from a 9year old a good 7 years ago!  Yeah it's something that is really big!